Uprooted & evicted: World Bank-funded projects force millions off their land

RT World Bank ventures in less developed countries are hurting the people the organization has sworn to protect, with almost four million people across the globe left homeless, forcefully evicted and relocated as a result of World Bank-funded…

Source: www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com

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National Guard Ordered To Consider Americans As ‘Enemy Forces’ And ‘Adversaries’

CNN – by Barbara Starr and Wesley Bruer As the Missouri National Guard prepared to deploy to help quell riots in Ferguson, Missouri, that raged sporadically last year, the guard used highly militarized words such as “enemy forces” and “adversaries”…

Source: www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com

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NYT: Developing world abandoning Obama’s green agenda, turning to China for help

American diplomats are upset that dozens of countries — including Nepal, Cambodia and Bangladesh — have flocked to join China’s new infrastructure investment bank, a potential rival to the World Bank and other financial institutions backed by the United States.
The reason for the defiance is not hard to find: The West’s environmental priorities are blocking their access to energy.

Source: wattsupwiththat.com

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Who Is Anti-Science – Free, Critical Thinkers Or National Geographic?

National Geographic now has a long list of people who it labels anti-science or to be exact who it deems are engaging in a war on science by exercising free and critical thinking – and by forming an opinion which is contrary to the supposed “mainstream scientific consensus” (an illusion by the way). In one of its latest issues (cover above), the National Geographic lists 5 areas where it thinks the science is settled.

Source: www.thesleuthjournal.com

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A World Without War

Throughout this writer’s entire life, US direct and/or proxy wars raged – today more than ever in multiple theaters worldwide.
Imagine living over 80 years without knowing a single day of peace. Without conflict, mass slaughter and destruction.
Without valuing human life and welfare more than the spoils of war. America is a warrior state – more ruthless than any in history.

Source: real-agenda.com

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Class President of a Failed Generation

Quite a deplorable legacy, that. And all the while Hillary has been our class president. God help the world if she becomes our nation’s President. She has betrayed all that was right about the baby boomers in the 1960s; and has embraced all the wrong they did during their subsequent years in power.

Source: www.lewrockwell.com

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Netanyahu Warns Of Second Holohoax While Committing A Real Holocaust Against Palestinians

The baby killing war criminal Jew Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that a second Holohoax will occur because America is negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran. He even compared the negotiations with attempts to appease Adolf Hitler during World War II. This naturally led to 60 trillion Jews getting turned into bars of dish soap.
The Jewish Holocaust stories are nothing but fantasies. Despite this, Netanyahu wants us to believe that these fantasies will be repeated because negotiations are occurring with Iran.

Source: www.dailyslave.com

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Germanwings False Flag: The Hegelian Odyssey of Andreas Lubitz Continues

A bevy of media ‘experts’ and authorities claim that the accused Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz was “mentally ill” and is a “mass murderer” because he allegedly hid his ‘illness’ from authorities. Only there is no actual hard evidence to make these serious capital charges stick.

There are a number of indications in this story that point to the media and French authorities unjustly framing Lubtiz. According to one expert testimony (below), “The chances of killing others are higher for non-depressed than for depressed people”.

Source: 21stcenturywire.com

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Armed National Guard Troops Patrol Residential Streets in California

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson The video, which was shot this past weekend, features Guard troops marching in formation while chanting a military cadence. Troops also take turns to practice blocking traffic.

Source: www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com

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Obama’s “most transparent administration in history” sets record for censoring public government information

(NaturalNews) Once pledging to be the most transparent administration in U.S. history, the Barack Obama presidency just set a new record for being the opposite of transparent.

Source: www.naturalnews.com

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US government allows powerful corporations to sell California water with no permits or reporting during drought

(NaturalNews) With water being our most precious commodity, you would think that government officials would be keeping very close tabs on its usage, especially in states like California where drought conditions are now entering their fourth year.

Source: www.naturalnews.com

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Vaccine pusher Paul Offit says aluminum supports a healthy fetus – have vaccine fanatics been brain damaged by toxic metals?

(NaturalNews) Maniac vaccine fanatic Paul Offit of Philadelphia Children’s Hospital, who believes that a newborn child is capable of sustaining 10,000 vaccinations at once, now says that aluminum is an essential metal that plays an important role…

Source: www.naturalnews.com

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Political Pedophilia: An open source investigation

By James Corbett As more and more information surfaces on both sides of the Atlantic about the pedophilia rings operating in the highest echelons of political, business and entertainment circles, even the establishment press is being forced to…

Source: www.activistpost.com

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Dear Farmers: U.S. is Now Importing Organic Corn to Satisfy Consumer Demand

Heather Callaghan
Activist Post
There are three things driving a surge in organic imports:
U.S. farmers have been systematically pushed into growing mostly GMO crops; grown primarily for fuel, animal feed and cheap processed foods.

Source: www.activistpost.com

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